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THEATER | "An Evening of Original One Acts"April 13, 2016 Read More
2009's production of Zanna, Don't!: "criminally fun to watch"; "smarter than it has any right to be" - Rochester City Newspaper.
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We have attended most of the wonderful shows put on by ETC since its inception. We have seen it grow due to the dedication and hard work of its directors and performers. They are clearly a talented group who seek to spread their love of live performances to the community. Their ability to reach out to the audience and involve them in the play is amazing.
We have attended theater by many companies in Rochester, San Diego and NYC. ETC shines with the best of them. It is extremely important for theater art to continue in these uncertain times. It is rare to find a golden nugget such as ETC in one's own community. They deserve additional funding. The return to our community with this funding would be one hundred-fold."
– Nancy and David Waniewski